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The only shoe finder that finds shoes that fit

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There's no doubt that fashion e-commerce is starting to reach a saturation point. It seems every industry that has rapidly grown in the last few years is not longer following that tendency. This means that as a footwear e-commerce business, you need to figure out a way to stand out from the crowd. While there are many ways to combat this issue, there is one that stands out from the rest. Personalization!

Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-10 um 18.39.04


Of surveyed consumers say a personalized customer experience is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.


You will learn

1. How can a Shoe Finder help to overcome a major consumer concern of online shoe shopping 

2. How a Shoe Finder improves conversion rates

3. The difference between Size advisors, Product Quizes, and Shoe Finders


What is a Shoe Finder?

Product finders are basically a kind of in-stores sales assistant. They ask a series of questions to recommend shoes to the customer and guide the sale.

ShoeAI has gone the extra step creating a Shoe Finder that not just recommends the shopper the right model of the shoe but also makes sure the model is in stock in the size that fits them.